Konec roku v 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft)
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By SFC Ondřej Černý Dec 21,2024
Praha, Dec 14,2024 -- Konec roku v 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft)
Sobota 14. prosince se nesla ve 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft) v duchu zhodnocení, plánování, odměňování a zábavy. Pro znalé tradic v 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft) proběhla tradiční valná hromada zakončená vánočním večírkem, jehož součástí byla i laser game. Tímto víkendem 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft) zakončila letošní rok, nebo nás čeká ještě jedna akce?
Saturday, December 14th was marked by evaluation, planning, rewarding, and fun in the 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft). For those familiar with the traditions of the 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft), the traditional general assembly was concluded with a Christmas party, which included a laser game. Has the 2nd Infantry Division (Airsoft) concluded this year with this weekend, or is there one more event planned?