Slavnosti svobody Plzeň 2024
Přibližná doba čtení:
By SFC Ondřej Černý May 14,2024
Plzeň, May 03,2024 -- Slavnosti svobody Plzeň 2024

Na chodu Campu Raiders se v letošním roce podílel Reenacting klub 504 PIR, 82nd Airborne. Náš Camp Raiders navštívil spřátelené kluby, a to B Troop, 1-91 CAV, 173rd IBCT - Airsoft, 2/5 Marines Echo Company USMC Reenacted. Velké poděkování si zaslouží personál polní kuchyně. Nelze opomenout team fotografek, které zdokumentovali činnost členů Campu Raiders do posledního detailu.
Za rok na jubileím ročníku na viděnou,
Second to none!

This year, we are also once again part of this long-standing tradition. As usual, our camp was found in front of the Patton Memorial Pilsen museum on the Pobřežní street. Members of the Raiders Camp were seen at the opening ceremony of the Liberation Festival, that took place on Friday at the Náměstí republiky square in Pilsen, where the members of the Camp Raiders returned on Sunday, 5th of May, offering help in escorting the families of veterans up the front of the St. Bartholomew Cathedral.
Taking care of the Camp, we had aid from the Reenacting klub 504 PIR, 82nd Airborne. We also had visitors in the form of friendly clubs B Troop, 1-91 CAV, 173rd IBCT - Airsoft and 2/5 Marines Echo Company USMC Reenacted. Great thanks are reserved to the personnel of our field kitchen. We must also not forget the team of photographers, who have documented the activities of the camp to the last detail.
Hoping to see you next may during the anniversary year,
Second to none!